(En)Courage to Speak(Up)
Is inspired by
- the works of Richard Lewis, Viktor Frankl and Wolf Schneider
- the ideas of Europe and the new Enlightenment, Digitalization as well as Holistic and Integral systems
- the mindset of Spiral Dynamics and Ken Wilber
KATJA SCHLEICHER knew already at an early stage that talking is gold and silence the beginning of all troubles…
Words, what they mean, how they are perceived by an audience and how to implement change by using them properly, are her passion and business model.
Known for her provocative style and her sense of humor on stage she looks deeper in our communication troubles – and is not afraid to talk about them.
After her studies (German & English language & Literature. Linguistics & psychology) she pursued an international career in PR, Advertising and Corporate Communications for Media & HiTech Companies.
For more than a decade she now passionately enables effective & empathic communication with all the clients she works with. From big banking, conservative pharma to ambitious startups. From 1:1 dialogues to the big stages.
With three languages, two passports and an European heart, Katja travels across borders constantly to bring people and ideas closer through communication. She speaks at conferences about communicative misunderstandings and how to initiate change through communication.

If not on stage you might find her…
- travelling
- in the mountains
- tasting Italian Wines
- immersed in reading a book
- involved in lively discussions
- working out (anything but Kitesurfing)
- in the movies, watching them and afterwards discussing them
- discussing the best shoes